Children's storybook British Council

African storybook

'In a particular year, the dry season was too long drought hit hard. As a result, all the rivers dried up except the River of Blessings. All the animals were thirsty and called for a meeting...'

For the complete story, see sections below to download in English, Fulfude and French  #AfricanHeritage


You can download Drought and the River of Blessing in the English Language as Landscape version to read or as portrait version to print or as EPUB.

Download here  


You can download Drought and the River of Blessings in Fulfude as Landscape version to read or as portrait version to print or as EPUB.

Download here


You can download Drought and the River of Blessings in French as Landscape version to read or as portrait version to print or as EPUB.


Download here

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