By British Council Nigeria

10 December 2019 - 12:40

Thanks to you Tunde Arogunmati, Executive Director of African Incentive Partnerships, and a former participant of the British Council’s African Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (AKTP) designed to help businesses improve their competitiveness, productivity through knowledge, technology and skills available from Higher Education Institutions.

Tunde Arogunmati is now a highly successful management consultant whose career was leapfrogged thanks to his involvement in the British Council’s African Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (AKTP).

Today, Tunde is Executive Director for Business Development and Planning for Business TV Africa Ltd where he has been responsible for restructuring and repositioning BTVA Ltd from its former Bloomberg TV Africa franchise to full-fledged global African Business TV brand.

He has gained varied project management experience, with a focus on civil infrastructure, business development, industry-focused knowledge transfer and global trade/business social networking.

He read civil engineering at the Obafemi Awolowo University of Ife but over time veered into other areas of endeavours such as consultancy where he does varied enterprise development both in the social and business sectors.

He credits the British Council’s AKTP with the “breaking of ice between academia & industry in Nigeria via strategic dialogue & the efficacy of knowledge sharing in the scheme of things as regards research, industrial development & related wealth creation & innovation”.

He says it gave him an enhanced ability to develop and sustain cross-sector knowledge sharing & global business development partnerships across board.

“It also made me realise that the British global business and knowledge enterprise is a veritable platform for leverage, notably within the Commonwealth, but also worldwide through globalised partnerships & networks,” he says.

This has greatly influenced the current programme I'm involved in as Executive Director; African Incentive Partnerships - AIP - a dedicated Sustainable Enterprise Development & Investments ecosystem.

British Council is inviting past programme participants to celebrate its 75-year anniversary with them by submitting stories of their experience and the impact it has had. Visit  for more information about how to participate in the 75 Stories campaign.