Last updated: Wednesday 5 January 2022
When is the earliest available date for IELTS exams?
When will refunds be provided?
Can I transfer to the next available date for an IELTS exam?
Will I be charged a transfer fee or admin feee to reschedule my exam date?
I filled out a transfer form, but how do I select the speaking time for my exam?
Will I have to pay the difference if my rescheduled exam date is more expensive?
Is it possible to receive a full refund and a transfer with no deductions?
How can I get my results if your offices are closed?
Will the rescheduled exams remain at the same date/time?
Will computer-based exams continue as scheduled?
I registered for an exam through a British Council partner. How can I get a transfer?
Has the results timeline changed?
How can I prepare for the IELTS test?
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