UK/NG 2015–2016 built on the British Council’s links to creative entrepreneurs and artists in Nigeria and provided opportunities for new work and collaboration. The programme aimed to connect more than 40 million young Nigerians (aged 18–35) to the UK by building new audiences for arts and culture.
Projects were developed around the following themes:
Young People and Innovation
Digital platforms are creating opportunities for innovative approaches to the creation and distribution of the arts, particularly among young people. UK/NG 2015–2016 built on this trend enabling artists to develop models that will reach new audiences and find new markets. We focused on building digital, technical and entrepreneurial skills and promoted the creation of new work by young people in non-traditional arts spaces whilst facilitating creative enterprise. We aimed to increase access to arts and culture from the UK and Nigeria, built mutual understanding and facilitated the growth of the creative industries in Nigeria.
Public Space and Access to the Arts
UK/NG 2015–2016 promoted community engagement with arts and culture, boosted awareness around programming work in public spaces. This increased access to the arts, built new audiences by focusing on public art works and site specific performances and installations. We used mobile, social media and other digital channels to promote inclusion across geographical and socio-economic boundaries.
Collaboration between Nigerian and UK artists and arts organisations was at the heart of UK/NG 2015–2016, building relationships that allowed these partnerships to continue long after the programme was completed. We provided opportunities for British artists and institutions to engage with the burgeoning Nigerian creative scene and for new Nigerian work in the UK.